What is FiveMin.AI?

Everyone has played with AI. Few people actually integrate it. FiveMin.AI is here to help.

Our five minute (-ish) videos provide quick, tangible instructions to work smarter and live better with a little bit of AI.

Why subscribe?

Our videos and guides are free for all.

Subscribe to get every AI video and guide sent to you as soon as it is available.

Paid members can copy and paste recipes to immediately start using them, saving significant time and making it easier to share with your team.

Paid members also enjoy access to future courses and priority in requesting guides.

Can I Hire You?

Yes! FiveMin.AI often consults with businesses to help integrate AI into their company work processes.

FiveMin.AI creates a strategy and trains the team on implementing the AI strategy. This work typically saves clients 30-90 minutes per day per team member. 🤩

Can I Advertise with You?

Yes! There are two ways to partner.

  1. FiveMin.AI can create custom tutorials based on your product. I explain how your tool saves time and identify the best ways to use it. These sponsored videos are clearly noted as sponsored content for viewers.

  2. FiveMin.AI can add a two-sentence promotion of your product or service in our email newsletter. This promotion drives traffic from an audience looking for tools that save time.

For rates and schedule, contact us at: scottdavidmeyer [at] gmail [dot] com

Subscribe to FiveMin.AI

Learn to integrate AI into your daily workflow. Work faster and be more productive in your daily life as we enter the new AI economy.


✍️Helping businesses integrate AI at fivemin.ai